Nanotechnology News – July 2019

Cultocracy introduction :

When people think of scientific research and development they may imagine that there are certain fields which are prioritized by the global power brokers . People may also imagine that these prioritized fields take the lions share of funding and manpower based on profit predictions or gaining a strategic edge in a globalized world .

Both are true to a certain extent .

The latest ‘must have’ weapon may be lusted after by the military corporate world , the fastest microprocessor may be coveted by the industrial world , bioengineered pharmaceuticals may be chased by big pharma . Etc….etc…etc….etc…

If you were to ask yourself which broadly specific research field trumps all of the others then what answer would you arrive at ?

The latest communications technology ? Faster computers ? Genetic medicine ?

The true race is centered around the quest for enhanced intelligence , both biological (human) and artificial (computer) .

In terms of personnel , scientific research teams now number in the hundreds , if not thousands . Super computing power is harnessed for modelling and virtual experimentation .

What if you could combine all of the individual elements into a single unit ?

Would you create a Mega mind ?

Or a Mengele mind ?

Cultocracy note :

The image above is from a presentation by Dr. James Canton from the Institute of Global Affairs , the Institute of Global Affairs can best be described as a futurist think tank .

The diagram depicts a merger of nanotechnology with quantum computing , itself driven by nanotechnology .

Obviously the big question is what lies at the centre of the graph ?

It will be a weapon , you can be assured of that one single fact .

Perhaps a weapon that looks something like this .

To quote Dr. James Canton :

“There is now a neuroweapon that is available , we have to accept that….”

“Carried out for ideology and profit…”

“Don’t be confused by ideology…..80% of ‘ideological’ groups are actually motivated by profit….”

“Prove the capability…..”

(then ask)

“Who wants to sign up ?”

More from Dr. James Canton :

Cultocracy conclusion :

Dr. Canton appears to be a pupil of the Elon Musk school of transhumanism , either that or he is supremely ignorant and naive regarding the motivations of our would be masters .

Or should that be master ?

Nanotechnology News – July 2019



Quantum Computing & Communications

Cultocracy note :

News this month suggests that quantum entanglement has been captured on film .

Coming to a cinema near you soon :

‘Quantum Entanglement’ – The Movie .

Qauntum Entanglement snapped by Paparazzi
“Scientists just captured the first-ever photo of the phenomenon dubbed “spooky action at a distance” by Albert Einstein.”

“That phenomenon, called quantum entanglement, describes a situation where particles can remain connected such that the physical properties of one will affect the other, no matter the distance (even miles) between them.”

Cultocracy note :

‘Stunning photo’ ?????

Aaaahhhh…..Wait a minute………

Just tried the experiment myself using an ‘extra special’ camera……..


Connecting the quantum dots

“Researchers at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) developed a new technique that could enable future advancements in quantum technology.”

“The technique squeezes quantum dots, tiny particles made of thousands of atoms, to emit single photons (individual particles of light)….”

“This breakthrough could accelerate the development of quantum information technologies and brain-inspired computing,”


Quantum Internet

“Researchers demonstrated a new method for transmitting quantum information over long distances by using circularly polarized light to flip the spin state of an electron on a quantum dot. This work may show the way towards a completely secure ‘quantum internet.’ “




Cultocracy note :

Always remember………..

Deep state clandestine research and development is decades ahead of research released to the public .

Nanotechnology Enhanced Intelligence

“….populations of “helper” cells in the brain, called astrocytes, plays a specific role in directing the formation of connections among neurons needed for learning and forming new memories…”

“…..researchers conducted proof-of-concept experiments that show they could deliver corrective proteins via nanoparticles to replace the missing protein needed for “road repairs” on the defective neural highway. “

“The researchers found that the 8.3 red astrocytes turn on high levels of a gene that codes for a different protein known as Norrin. “

“When they injected the Norrin nanoparticles into the brains of mice engineered without Norrin, the neurons in these mice began to quickly grow many more branches, a process suggesting repair to neural networks. They repeated these experiments with human neurons too. “

Related :

  1. Hedgehog signaling pathway (Wikipedia)
  2. Hedgehog regulates Norrie disease protein to drive neural progenitor self-renewal
  3. Sonic hedgehog regulates adult neural progenitor proliferation in vitro and in vivo (PDF)
  4. Novel insights into the development and maintenance of the blood–brain barrier
  5. Hedgehog in Cancer

Not related (I think) :

  1. Silver Surfer


More efficient CRISPR gene editing

“The delivery uses biodegradable synthetic lipid nanoparticles that carry the molecular editing tools into the cell to precisely alter the cells’ genetic code with as much as 90 percent efficiency.”

“The nanoparticles represent one of the most efficient CRISPR/Cas9 delivery tools reported so far….”

Related (Lipids) :

  1. Nanotechnology News – May 2019
  2. Nanotechnology News – March 2019
  3. Nano Technology News – December 2018
  4. Nano Technology News – October 2018


Concern in gene-edited plants

“A review published earlier this year addresses the problematic tendency of CRISPR gene-editing tools to cause off-target mutations (damage to DNA) and asks whether this is a concern when it comes to developing gene-edited plants.”

“However, they add that while CRISPR tools can produce many off-target mutations in animals, most of these tools are “highly precise when applied in plants”.”

“Nevertheless, the authors admit, “a number of reports in plants clearly demonstrated that CRISPR/Cas is capable of introducing mutations into off-target sites, which share a significant similarity with targets”.”

“But in the authors’ own words, these tools are only “expected to be more precise in plants”.”

Cultocracy note :

Earlier quote from the same science team regarding nuclear weapons :

“A nuclear bomb is only expected to fry 90% of the local population , however it misses the off-target plant life in a highly precise manner , simply because there is no significant similarity between plants and animals . Therefore we expect all plant life to survive a nuclear blast .”

(N.B. Funding for this research provided by ACME Nuclear Weapon Co.)

Related :

  1. Bayer and Rothamsted Research sign strategic framework agreement
  2. Bayer : and Rothamsted Research sign strategic framework agreement
  3. Bayer, Exeter University and Rothamsted Research to identify enzymes in bees that determine sensitivity to neonicotinoids
  4. Bayer, Exeter University and Rothamsted Research to identify enzymes in bees that determine sensitivity to neonicotinoids
  5. Rothamsted Research and Bayer collaborate to accelerate the development of solutions to help farmers manage crop threats more effectively
  6. North Wyke (Wikipedia)
  7. “In 1981 the Crown Estate Commissioners bought North Wyke and let it to the Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research[17], after which it became part of Rothamsted Research.”



Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Cultocracy note :

The carousel of deep state funding is laid bare this month with news that Microsoft intends to invest a substantial sum in the Open AI platform .

All profits from the military corporate complex are eventually recycled .

Open AI was co-founded by Elon Musk , it was recently announced that Musk had served his purpose and that AI research was best served by a dialectical and dual approach .

Musk recently stated that his AI generated fake news technology would not be released , now a moot point seeing as Musk has left Open AI , not that he was in charge in the first place .

As for the fake news generator , I personally think the technology was developed a long time ago .

Microsoft Invests $1 Billion In Musk’s OpenAI

Microsoft announced a $1 billion investment in Elon Musk’s OpenAI, which aims to build “friendly AI” that won’t wipe out humanity. “


Fake News Finder

“……the project is headed up by UCSB professor William Wang.”

“Wang specializes in “natural language processing,” the subsect of artificial intelligence dealing with a computer’s ability to process human language.”

“Wang’s algorithm scrapes news articles posted on social media platforms. It then analyzes these articles based on content, titles, and links. “

“UCSB hopes that this use of artificial intelligence will “give us insight on how we, intentionally or unwittingly, propagate misinformation.”

“That’s really the beauty of natural language processing and machine learning,” “We have a huge amount of data in different formats, and the question is: How do you turn unstructured data into structured knowledge? That’s one of the goals of deep learning and of data science.”

Cultocracy note :

Come on , do we really need a fangled new algorithm to tell us who propogates misinformation ?

Learning to Fly

“In this paper, we propose a method to automate this design process by training a mode-free, model-agnostic neural network controller for hybrid UAV .”

“We design a neural network controller that is mode-free and model-
agnostic to automate the control parameter tuning processes for
various customized UAV designs.”

“We train our controller using a standard reinforcement learning
framework .”


I know that you and Frank were planning to disconnect me….

Part machine-learning innovation, part human brain-imaging study, the paper, published Wednesday in the journal Science Advances, marks an important step forward in the application of “neural networks” – computer systems modeled after the human brain – to the study of emotion.”

“He then “showed” the new network, dubbed EmoNet, 25,000 images ranging from erotic photos to nature scenes and asked it to categorize them into 20 categories such as craving, sexual desire, horror, awe, and surprise.”

EmoNet could accurately and consistently categorize 11 of the emotion types. But it was better at recognizing some than others. For instance, it identified photos that evoke craving or sexual desire with more than 95 percent accuracy. But it had a harder time with more nuanced emotions like confusion, awe, and surprise.”

“To further test and refine EmoNet, the researchers then brought in 18 human subjects.”

“As a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) machine measured their brain activity...”

“When activity in the neural network was compared to that in the subjects’ brains, the patterns matched up.”



5G – Internet of Things

The Hitcher

Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices must operate for long periods on limited power supplies and research has shown that wireless communication is the primary source of energy consumption in IoT devices . The lifetime of IoT applications can therefore be increased by minimising radio communication.”

Data aggregation has been widely applied to tackle this problem .”

Data aggregation is a technique in which multiple messages are combined in to a single datagram, thus reducing radio transmissions and hence the energy consumption of IoT devices. “

Related :

  1. Internet of Things: Wireless Sensor Networks (PDF)

Further Reading :

Multi-hop data aggregation :

  1. Reliable and energy-efficient multi-hop LEACH-based clustering protocol for wireless sensor networks
  2. “Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are attracting research attention because of their important applications in critical environmental monitoring and target tracking in both civilian and military fields.”
  3. Carrier Aggregation explained
  4. What is Carrier Aggregation?

Distributed Sensor Networks (DSN) :

  1. “Distributed Sensor Networks are surveillance and tracking systems that use many geographically distributed sensors.”
  3. A Distributed Multiple-Target Identity Management Algorithm in Sensor Networks (PDF)

RADAR Sensor Networks (RSN) :

  1. A Radar-Enabled Collaborative Sensor Network Integrating COTS Technology for Surveillance and Tracking (PDF)
  2. Distributed Sensor Network for Multi-robot Surveillance
  1. Passive radar (Wikipedia)
  2. Radiofrequency MASINT (Wikipedia)
  3. Technology Trends for Future Radar
  4. Passive Coherent Location Radar Systems
    “For the second type of distributed aperture radar systems Network Capable Operations (NCO) can effectively be used in both active and passive surveillance systems.”
    They utilize public broadcast stations as target illuminator in FM, DAB and DVBT (so called “transmitters-ofopportunity”) and are inherently very difficult to detect and thus to jam, thanks to their inherent passive nature.”
    Multiple-In, Multiple-Out Radar Systems
    “As the third type of distributed aperture radar systems there is an emerging trend of MIMO antenna aperture set-ups, using orthogonal waveforms on usually very sparsely populated antenna arrays.”
  5. Ground Passive Radar – the end of Stealth ?
  6. Radars perform double duty as high-speed data links
  7. Green Radars: Dual Use of Communication & Navigational Transmitters for Surveillance of Airports (PDF)
  8. “IV. 3G / 4G / 5G Transmitters Integration with “Green Radar”
    Green Radars may also integrate communication transmitters like FM, GSM, LTE (4G) & 5G transmitters.”
  9. Cell Towers Can Double As Cheap Radar Systems

Conclusion :

  1. Cooperative Passive Coherent Location: A Promising 5G Service to Support Road Safety (PDF)
  2. 5G promises many new vertical service areas beyond simple communication and data transfer. We propose CPCL (cooperative passive coherent location), a distributed MIMO radar service, which can be offered by mobile radio network
    operators as a service for public user groups.”
    “By using software-defined radio and network paradigms, as well as real-time mobile edge computing facilities intended for 5G, CPCL promises to become a ubiquitous radar service which may be adaptive, reconfigurable, and perhaps cognitive .”

D.I.Y :

  1. Building Your Own SDR-based Passive Radar On A Shoestring


5G Guinea Pigs

“Since 5G antennas were installed near their home in the heart of Geneva, these residents of the same area suffer from various health problems. Are they victims of a technology whose dangers were not sufficiently tested? A doctor and member of parliament speaks out.”

“Gathered in the apartment of one of the two, on the fifth floor of a building in the centre of Geneva, these residents of the same area look at each other. What they have in common is insomnia, tinnitus, headaches. And a lot of unanswered questions.”


Hackers could cause monster traffic jams

“They warn that even with increasingly tighter cyber defenses, the amount of data breached has soared in the past four years, but objects becoming hackable can convert the rising cyber threat into a potential physical menace.”

“Unlike most of the data breaches we hear about, hacked cars have physical consequences,”

“It may not be that hard for state, terroristic, or mischievous actors to commandeer parts of the internet of things, including cars.”

Cultocracy present note :

Gridlock whole cities ?

Cultocracy future note :

‘Lone Nut shooter attacks’ will eventually be completely replaced by ‘Lone Nut driver attacks’ .


Cultocracy note :

Here we go with ‘The Eye’ again .

Shock Horror – Bounty Hunters Given Cellphone Data

Motherboard’s investigation shows just how exposed mobile networks and the data they generate are, leaving them open to surveillance by ordinary citizens, stalkers, and criminals, and comes as media and policy makers are paying more attention than ever to how location and other sensitive data is collected and sold. The investigation also shows that a wide variety of companies can access cell phone location data, and that the information trickles down from cell phone providers to a wide array of smaller players, who don’t necessarily have the correct safeguards in place to protect that data.”
“The lawsuit alleges AT&T violated the Federal Communications Act and engaged in deceptive practices….”

Cultocracy note :

Deceptive practices‘ – You can say that again , an understatement of gigantic proportions .

  1. EFF Sues AT&T, Data Aggregators For Giving Bounty Hunters and Other Third Parties Access to Customers’ Real-Time Locations
  2. I Gave a Bounty Hunter $300. Then He Located Our Phone

Cultocracy note :

Regarding the above articles :

The ‘sale of data’ meme is a limited hangout operation aimed at people , who assume that they are being aimed at by people that are being aimed at .

Related :

EFF has taken millions in funds from Google and Facebook via straight donations and controversial court payouts that many see as under-the-radar contributions. Hell, Google co-founder Sergey Brin’s foundation gave EFF at least $1.2 million.”

  1. All EFF’d Up
  2. Government Propaganda Outlet Funds Electronic Frontier Foundation
  3. Soros, Google Funding “Net Neutrality” Groups to Control Internet, Censor
  4. Electronic Frontier Foundation outlines plan to end NSA surveillance

Cultocracy note :

 All very noble . Not surprisingly , the last link above fell at the starting post , or even before the starting post , probably had no intention of getting to the starting post in the first place .

Cultocracy note :

‘All EFF’d Up’ = ‘All Extrafu**ingly Fu****g Fu***d Up’

Ahem .

Terribly sorry , there I go with my tourettes again , thought I had it under control .

Further related :

  1. AT&T Sends ALL Internet Traffic To NSA Says EFF




Age of H.E.R.O’s

Machine enhanced humans — or cyborgs as they are known in science fiction — could be one step closer to becoming a reality…”

“Researchers have conquered the monumental task of manufacturing scalable nanoprobe arrays small enough to record the inner workings of human cardiac cells and primary neurons.”

“The ability to read electrical activities from cells is the foundation of many biomedical procedures, such as brain activity mapping and neural prosthetics.”

  1. Ultra-small nanoprobes could be a leap forward in high-resolution human-machine interfaces
  2. Scalable ultrasmall three-dimensional nanowire transistor probes for intracellular recording


Swedish Cyborgs

“Thousands of people in Sweden are having futuristic microchips implanted into their skin to carry out everyday activities and replace credit cards and cash.”

“More than 4,000 people have already had the sci-fi-ish chips, about the size of a grain of rice, inserted into their hands — with the pioneers predicting millions will soon join them as they hope to take it global.”

Related :

  1. Elon Musk – Sensors in the Human Brain



Remote Sensing & Stimulation

AI Radar System

“The research team designed the drone detection radar system to operate between 12GHz and 18GHz, and applied super-resolution radar signal processing technology to locate drones accurately by applying an AESA radar technology…”

“Furthermore, the radar system can identify and detect drones more clearly in real-time by integrating ‘GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks)

Related :

  1. Active electronically scanned array (Wikipedia)
  2. Phased Array Antennas & The Roadmap to 5G Wireless
  3. Aligned Interests in AESA Radar


Quantum Sensor

“When individual atoms emit light, they do so in discrete packets called photons.”

“When this light is measured, this discrete or ‘granular’ nature leads to especially low fluctuations in its brightness, as two or more photons are never emitted at the same time.”

“The implications of this research are quite far reaching……”

“It also opens the door to a new set of applications which use artificial atoms for quantum enhanced sensing, ranging from small scale magnetometry that could be used to measure signals in the brain, all the way up to full-scale gravitational wave detection…”

Related :

  1. New study shows nanoscale pendulum coupling
  2. Frequency, Amplitude, Vibrations: How is Resonance Created?
  3. Microwave ovens and resonance in molecules


DARPA puts ‘detectors’ in public venues

Can you imagine living in a country that puts surveillance devices in every city and public venue?

What would be the first country that comes to mind? China or the United Kingdom, right?”

“What if I told you that the United States has joined their ranks?”

“A recent news release by the Defense Department’s, Defense Advanced Research Projects Association (DARPA) and Homeland Security reveal that they are installing nuclear, biological and chemical sensors everywhere.”

  1. DARPA To Put Nuclear, Biological And Chemical Detectors In Public Venues
  2. Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Threat Detectors Put through Paces at Indy 500


Memory Modification

Deep brain stimulation of the cingulate cortex worsens memory recall…”

“Natu’s team discovered that stimulating the cingulate cortex reduced the number of recalled words and modified hippocampal brain waves compared to no stimulation.”

“This establishes a direct role for the cingulate cortex in memory encoding and demonstrates that memories can be manipulated via deep brain stimulation, which has implications for the treatment of memory disorders.”

Cultocracy note :

Memory disorders = Breakout & Total Recall


Terahertz Laser and Sensors

“The system emits and detects electromagnetic radiation at terahertz frequencies…”

“The Princeton team said its dual-comb hyperspectral imaging technique will work well with these new room-temperature laser sources, which could then open many more uses.”

“Support for the research was provided in part by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy.”

Related :

Further reading and remote viewing :

  1. To Protect And Infect (Video)
  2. How the NSA Monitors Target Computers with Radar Wave Devices
  3. Your USB cable, the spy: Inside the NSA’s catalog of surveillance magic
  4. Jacob Appelbaum: Futuristic-Sounding “Radar Wave Devices” Can Help NSA Monitor Your Computer Usage
  5. NSA ANT Product Catalog
  6. NSA’s Quiet Presence at a Base in England’s Countryside Revealed in Snowden Documents
  7. Leaked documents that were not attributed to Snowden
  8. Directed Energy Weapons



Synthetic Biology

Cultocracy note :

Are advances in synthetic biology aimed primarily at the human market or the machine market ?

Or both ?

Artificial Muscles

“New MIT system of contracting fibers could be a boon for biomedical devices and robotics.”

“The key to the process is mating together two materials that have very different thermal expansion coefficients — meaning they have different rates of expansion when they are heated.”

Related :

  1. Crystalline ‘artificial muscle’ makes paper doll do sit-ups
  2. Sheaths drive powerful new artificial muscles


Electronic Skin

“The new electronic skin system achieved ultra-high responsiveness and robustness to damage, and can be paired with any kind of sensor skin layers to function effectively as an electronic skin.”

“Asynchronous Coded Electronic Skin (ACES) can detect touches more than 1,000 times faster than the human sensory nervous system.”

“Other potential applications include developing more intelligent robots that can perform disaster recovery tasks or take over mundane operations such as packing of items in warehouses. “


Electronic Nose

“This device can sense different odor molecules and recognize different odors. The device has been demonstrated in vivo in animal models.”

“This device has been connected to the mouse brain to demonstrate that the olfactory signals can produce appropriate neural stimulation. When the self-powered device generated the electric currents, the mouse displayed behavioral motion changes.”

  1. Researchers construct an artificial olfactory system based on self-powered nano-generator
  2. An artificial triboelectricity-brain-behavior closed loop for intelligent olfactory substitution


Further transhumanist news snippets :

  1. What Is Transhumanism & Why Is Jeffrey Epstein Into It?
  2. Epstein reportedly hoped to develop super-race of humans with his DNA
  3. CFR-Trilateral pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s corporate philanthropy tied to transhumanist neo-eugenics

Even more transhumanist snippets :

  1. Meet the Mormon Transhumanists Seeking Salvation in the Singularity
  2. Welcome to Utah, the NSA’s desert home for eavesdropping on America
  4. Turing Church





Clothes made from Wine

“The addition of tannins improved mechanical properties of materials such as cotton to develop wearable sensors for rehabilitation monitoring, drastically increasing the devices lifespan.”


Walking to generate electrical energy

“The researchers used a special smart macrofiber material, which generates energy from any sort of bending it experiences, to create a slider-crank mechanism — similar to what drives a motor. “

“Due to the continuous back-and-forth the material will encounter when the wearer walks, every time the knee flexes, the device bends and generates electricity.”


Seawater and rust generates electricity

“New research conducted by scientists at Caltech and Northwestern University shows that thin films of rust—iron oxide—can generate electricity when saltwater flows over them. These films represent an entirely new way of generating electricity and could be used to develop new forms of sustainable power production.”

“The phenomenon, the electrokinetic effect, has been observed before in thin films of graphene—sheets of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice—and it is remarkably efficient. “

“Support for the research was provided by the National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and the Army Research Chemical Sciences Division.”

Related :

  1. Electrokinetic phenomena
  2. Electroporation
  3. Transfection by Electroporation
  4. Nanofountain Probe Electroporation (NFP-E) of Single Cells




Artificial Graphene Throat

“Now, researchers have developed a wearable artificial throat that, when attached to the neck like a temporary tattoo, can transform throat movements into sounds. “

  1. Artificial graphene throat could someday help mute people ‘speak’
  2. A Wearable Skinlike Ultra-Sensitive Artificial Graphene Throat


Computers made from bacteria

“…….a major hurdle in adopting it (graphene) for everyday applications is producing graphene at a large scale, while still retaining its amazing properties.”

Graphene oxide is easy to produce, but it is not very conductive due to all of the oxygen groups in it,”

The bacteria remove most of the oxygen groups, which turns it into a conductive material.”

“…….making it well suited for a variety of applications, including field-effect transistor (FET) biosensors…”

“When biological molecules bind to the device (FET) , they change the conductance of the surface, sending a signal that the molecule is present,”

Related :

  1. H2020 FET projects related to medical and neuro-technologies
  2. Nanowire electrodes for high-density stimulation and measurement of neural circuits
  3. Design Optimization of Transistors Used for Neural Recording




Bin bags create energy

“Research from Swansea University has found how plastics commonly found in food packaging can be recycled to create new materials like wires for electricity — and could help to reduce the amount of plastic waste in the future.”


Breaking down pollution into nano pollution

Microplastics adsorb organic and metal contaminants as they travel through water and release these hazardous substances into aquatic organisms when eaten, causing them to accumulate all the way up the food chain

Carbon nanosprings are strong and stable enough to break these microplastics down into compounds that do not pose such a threat to the marine ecosystem.”


Canada Wildlife Officer sacked for critisizing Glyphosate

Wildlife biologist Rod Cumberland has been fired from the Maritime College of Forest Technology (MCFT) in New Brunswick, Canada. “

“….the real reason (for the firing) is Cumberland‘s critical stance towards the use of glyphosate in forestry.”

“New Brunswick has permitted four forestry firms to lease out its immense tracts of public (Crown) forest, with J.D. Irving Ltd being the biggest licensee. The Irvings are one of Canada’s wealthiest families and have been called “Canada’s robber barons”.”

Related :

  1. Crown land
  2. GM Watch



$cientific $cammer of the Month

Cannabis inhibits aggression

Our study shows that cannabidiol can inhibit aggressiveness and that it does so by facilitating the activation of two receptors: the 5-HT1A receptor, responsible for the effects of the neurotransmitter serotonin, and the CB1 receptor, responsible for the effects of endocannabinoids,” said Francisco Silveira Guimarães, Full Professor at FMRP-USP and leader of the study.”

Cultocracy final note :

“….said Francisco Silveira Guimarães……”

“……whilst speaking from his upmarket beach front Rio de Janeiro villa , whilst smoking a fat reefer and drinking a cold caipirinha……. “

Related :

  1. Nanotechnology News – June 2019
  2. Nanotechnology News – May 2019
  3. Nanotechnology News – April 2019
  4. Nanotechnology News – March 2019
  5. Nanotechnology News – February 2019
  6. Nanotechnology News – January 2019
  7. Nano Technology News – December 2018
  8. Nano Technology News – November 2018
  9. Nano Technology News – October 2018
  10. Nanotechnology News – September 2018
  11. Nanotechnology News – August 2018
  12. Nanotechnology News – July 2018
  13. Nano Technology News – June 2018
  14. Nano Technology News – May 2018
  15. Nano Technology News – April 2018
  16. Nano Technology News – March 2018
  17. Nano Technology News – February 2018
  18. Nano Technology News – January 2018
  19. Nano Technology News – December 2017
  20. Nano Technology News – November 2017
  21. Nano Technology News – October 2017
  22. Nano Technology News – September 2017
  23. Nano Technology News – August 2017
  24. Nano Technology News – July 2017
  25. Nano Technology News – June 2017
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