Nanotechnology News – September 2022

The Tortoise and the Hares

Cultocracy note :

Change is a generational thing , barely perceptible , it plods along like a tortoise , while the general public race around like hares .

One seemingly coincidental crisis lurches inexorably to another , then another , followed by another .

Previous skeptics are now bolt upright and salivating at the prospect of further windfalls .

New research grants will be thrown around like confetti .

Some hares are larger than others .

They are still hares .

The bigger picture is becoming easier to behold .

“The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocation, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.”

“Yet in holding scientific discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”

Attributed to former US President Dwight Eisenhower

Number 2 reading for this month :

Number 3 reading material for this month :


Nanotechnology News

September 2022




Genetic Engineering

Objective 2030

On 22 July 2022, the public consultation conducted by the European Commission on a potential future differentiated framework for GMOs obtained by « directed mutagenesis and cisgenesis » ended.

“According to the questionnaire sent out by this consultancy, the European Commission envisages a complete deregulation of many GMOs by 2030.”

“In broad terms, it appears that the Commission wishes to formalize two notions that have been present in its discourse for several months, if not years.”

“The first is to establish a special treatment for GMOs that, according to her, “are also obtainable naturally or by conventional breeding”. “

“The second is to create a special treatment for GMOs that would contribute to sustainability goals.”

Related :

  1. Mutagenesis
  2. Cisgenesis
  3. Bill Gates finances lobby for “new GMOs” in Europe
  4. Why we objected to GMOs in the EU – 36 times!
  5. Genetically Modified Feed Market to Hit $135 billion by 2030, says Global Market Insights Inc.
  6. EU Commission’s Secret Policy Scenarios Show Full GMO Deregulation on the Cards
  7. Search term : “2030 sustainability”


Crispr Lipid Nano

But one of the challenges….has been figuring out how to get the gene-editing components to the place in the body that needs treatment.

The Crispr components can’t naturally get into cells on their own, so Intellia uses a delivery system called lipid nanoparticles—essentially tiny fat bubbles—to ferry them to the liver.

“But Leonard points out that getting Crispr to other cells and organs is still a conundrum. “Where it’s hard to get to is the brain and the lungs,” says Leonard.”

“What we know is that when you edit a cell, it will stay edited for its life.”

There’s no way to undo that. “

Further reading :

  1. Lipid peroxidation
  2. Hemolysis
  3. Stealth Liposomes (PEGylated Liposomes)
  4. Nanoparticles for drug delivery to the brain
  5. Nano Drugs: Let The Blood-Brain Barrier No Longer Be A “Barrier”
  6. Concerns of Lipid Nanoparticle Carrying mRNA Vaccine into the Brain: What to Make of It?
  7. What are potential harmful effects of nanoparticles?
  8. Products of Lipid Peroxidation as a Factor in the Toxic Effect of Silver Nanoparticles.
  9. Nanotechnology News – July 2020 – “Brain Delivery Platform”
  10. Nanotechnology News – October 2020 – “Ultrasound Lobotomy”





Even more reading :

  1. Synthesis of Lipid–Oligonucleotide Conjugates for RNA Interference Studies
  2. Gene silencing by siRNAs and antisense oligonucleotides
  3. Lipid–oligonucleotide conjugates for bioapplications
  4. Search term : “Lipid-modified oligonucleotide gene silencing




Quantum Computing & Communications

Rydberg Atom Receivers

We demonstrate the ability to receive live color analog television and video game signals with the use of the Rydberg atom receiver.”

Rydberg states (highly excited) of atoms have been of growing interest in the past decade and have provided an avenue for making a variety of different sensors. “

“This is possible since Rydberg states are highly sensitive to electric fields…”

“…..detecting fields ranging from DC to THz.”

“….we present a detailed study on how the signal and bandwidth depend on the beam sizes and powers and how these conditions affect the reception of the live video feed, which ultimately determines the clarity of the reception and if color can be received.”

“In this demonstration, we utilized electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) to probe the Rydberg state of interest “

Then, we apply a radio frequency (RF) field that is resonant….”

“This 17.0434 GHz field is the carrier of our signal.”

This work was partially funded by the DARPA Quantum Apertures program and by the NIST-on-a-Chip (NOAC) Program.”

Related :

  1. Rabi frequency
  2. Rabi resonance method
  3. Ramsey interferometry
  4. Isidor Isaac Rabi and the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Further reading :

  1. Purple STEVE , Rydberg Atoms & REEF




Artificial Intelligence – AI

Cultocracy note :

In the real world , factions and syndicates are constantly vying for control of wealth and resources .

A ‘world simulation’ is much like the real world….

Outside of the simulations , each faction will attempt to tip the scales in their favour , the intention being to modify algorithms within each simulation .

As such , humans are now the new resource .

Data is the new wealth  .

Digital Twins

Recorded Future combines over a decade (and counting) of global threat data with machine learning and human expertise to provide actionable insights to security analysts.”

Recorded Future has been capturing information gathered from the internet, dark web and technical sources for over a decade and makes it available for analysis through its Intelligence Cloud. “

“Human input is vital; humans can spot patterns and insights that computers never will. “

“That is why intelligence is so important, it informs its consumers of what are the likely biggest risks to their specific business and sector this month, quarter, and year.”

Related :

  1. Recorded Future

Further reading :

  1. Managing the Threats of Artificial Intelligence (PDF)
  2. Sentient World Simulation: Meet Your DoD Clone (Play in new window)
  3. Sentient world: war games on the grandest scale
  4. Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulations
  5. Sentient Artificial Brain , National Reconnaissance Office
  6. Sentient (intelligence analysis system)
  7. Search term : “sws sentient world simulation”




5G & IoT

Lynk Global

Lynk Global said Sept. 28 it will test the ability to send a 5G signal from a satellite launching in December to standard mobile devices, after getting funding for the demonstration from an undisclosed partner.”

Charles Miller, Lynk’s CEO, expects MNOs will want to upgrade from 4G to 5G satellite connectivity in 2025, when the startup would be able to provide “continuous” voice and broadband data services from orbit.”

“He said Lynk is actively testing satellite-direct-to-phone-services in 12 countries on five continents. “

Related :

  1. Lynk Global
  2. Nanoracks
  3. Charles Miller Co-founder and CEO
  4. Lynk Global bids for satellite 5G first
  5. Lynk Global
  6. Lynk First to Connect Satellite Directly to Standard Mobile Phones on Earth
  7. Lynk Begins Operation of Next Generation Fifth “Cell Tower in Space” Satellite
  8. Lynk’s constellation of cell-towers-in-space solve mobile IoT
  9. Lynk welcomes SpaceX to the satellite-direct-to-phone party
  10. Huge satellite could outshine all stars and planets in the night sky

Also related :

  1. Military & Space Science are Linked
  2. DARPA opens door to more private equity-backed firms
  3. Lynk Global Raises Undisclosed Amount From Virginia Venture Partners

Not related (I think) :

  1. Remote Sensing Best Paper Award for the Year 2015


Wireless Infrared Power

Imagine walking into an airport or grocery store and your smartphone automatically starts charging.”

“The ability to power devices wirelessly could eliminate the need to carry around power cables…..”

“It could also power various sensors such as those in Internet of Things (IoT) devices and sensors…..”

“Laboratory tests showed that it could transfer 400 mW light power over distances of up to 30 meters. “

“The researchers also showed that the system automatically shifted to a safe power transfer mode when the line of sight was interrupted by a human hand.”

Cultocracy quote note :

Quote : “interrupted by a human hand…”

What about a human head ?


Wireless Electronic Skin

The team’s sensor design is a form of electronic skin, or “e-skin” — a flexible, semiconducting film that conforms to the skin like electronic Scotch tape. “

“The heart of the sensor is an ultrathin, high-quality film of gallium nitride, a material that is known for its piezoelectric properties, meaning that it can both produce an electrical signal in response to mechanical strain and mechanically vibrate in response to an electrical impulse.”

“The researchers found they could harness gallium nitride’s two-way piezoelectric properties and use the material simultaneously for both sensing and wireless communication.”

“You could put it on your body like a bandage, and paired with a wireless reader on your cellphone, you could wirelessly monitor your pulse, sweat, and other biological signals….”




Military and Defence

Cutocracy note :

Dr. John Hall is convinced that the ‘programme’ is a soft kill operation .

He may well be right .

Although , what’s wrong with a spot of human experimentation , trialling of new technologies , sadistic fun  , terrorism , theft , rape and torture along the way ?

Just like squeezing the last drop of water out of a sponge .

Or to quote Dr. Hall – “The constant struggle of the dumb people to rule over the smart people” .

Although the dumb people do not always have it their own way .


The U.S. Army wants a small business to supply tech that can support and integrate everything from sensors to 5G and augmented reality headsets, in an effort to “optimize the ground soldier’s ability to shoot, move, and communicate”.”

GS-TWIX seems to represent a piece of the Army’s ambition to more intricately connect data to troops and decision makers through improved sensors and networking capabilities. “

“It also specifically calls for integration with the Army’s augmented reality headset, the Integrated Visual Augmentation System, which could indicate longer-term plans as the Army works out the system’s future. “

Not related (I think) :

  1. Gamer (2009 film)
  2. Twix


Pentagon Psychological Operations

The Pentagon has ordered a sweeping audit of how it conducts clandestine information warfare after major social media companies identified and took offline fake accounts suspected of being run by the U.S. military in violation of the platforms’ rules.”

“The takedowns in recent years by Twitter and Facebook of more than 150 bogus personas and media sites created in the United States was disclosed last month by internet researchers Graphika and the Stanford Internet Observatory.”

“Some were recent, they said, and involved posts from the summer that advanced anti-Russia narratives citing the Kremlin’s “imperialist” war in Ukraine and warning of the conflict’s direct impact on Central Asian countries.”

“Significantly, they found that the pretend personas — employing tactics used by countries such as Russia and China — did not gain much traction, and that overt accounts actually attracted more followers.”

“The State Department and CIA have been perturbed by the military’s use of clandestine tactics. “

“Officers at State have admonished the Defense Department, “Hey don’t amplify our policies using fake personas, because we don’t want to be seen as creating false grass roots efforts,” the first defense official said. “

Cultocracy quote note :

Quote : “we don’t want to be seen as creating false grass roots efforts”


Isn’t that the primary function of puppet agencies such as the CIA ?

Conversely , the primary function of a modern military is not to be dragged into a globalist inspired conflict which would adversely and detrimentally affect the domestic populations they are tasked to defend .

Or at least that is what we are led to believe .


Cultocracy note :

Russian oligarch aligned forces ? US syndicate aligned forces ? Ukranian proxy forces ? Chinese aligned forces ? Mercenaries ? The Mysterons ?

Or something else entirely ?

The combined  brain power of Columbo , Holmes and Poirot….(….and Fletcher)…..couldn’t solve this one .


Cultocracy random reader note :

Fletcher ????

“Who the f**k is Fletcher ???”

Underwater Drones for Ukraine

Side-by-side with sailors from the US Navy, experts from the Diving & Threat Exploitation Group are teaching Ukrainians how to operate the devices, which search large areas of seabed for mines and unexploded ordnance without putting the operators in harm’s way.”

“The UK is giving six of the underwater drones to Ukraine and training its personnel here in Britain to use them so they can clear their coastline of mines when they return to their homeland.”

“Dozens of Ukrainian Navy personnel will be taught to use the drones over the coming months…..”

Not related :

  1. Fact Sheet on U.S. Opposition to Nord Stream 2
  2. Nord Stream 2: Who wins, who loses?
  3. Michael Hudson: America’s Real Adversaries Are Its European and Other Allies

Absolutely not related at all :

  1. Huge Nord Stream pipeline leaks could be sabotage, says Danish PM
  2. Second American nuclear submarine visits Clyde in two days
  3. Large fleet formation of the US Navy passes Fehmarnbelt

Cultocracy fact checked factoid note * :

US forces are actually in the region to protect the pipelines , because eventually the western energy pipeline barons are gonna take control .

* This fact has been thouroghly fact-checked and vetted by a veritable army of low-paid , fine , upstanding , trustworthy and honest state sponsored factcheckers with a full head of hair , taut features and broad jaw-lines .





Behavioral Modification via Implant

In a first-of-its-kind pilot study, scientists have surgically implanted a device into the brains of two obese subjects suffering from binge-eating disorder. “

“The device was designed to detect and disrupt brain signals associated with binge-eating food cravings….”

“Following a surgical procedure that implanted a brain stimulation device with electrodes targeting the nucleus accumbens, the two patients were observed for around six months.”

“…..the researchers switched on the implants, each encoded with the individual patient’s own binge-eating neural trigger.”

“On average, each patient also lost around 11 lb (5 kg) over the following six months…..”

This particular research is ongoing, and more subjects are set to be recruited to further refine this technology.”

Cultocracy quote note :

Quote : “more subjects are set to be recruited to further refine this technology…”

Volunteers need not apply .




Brain Computer Interface – BCI

The Age of Brain-Computer Interfaces

Thomas Oxley is the founder and CEO of Synchron, a company creating a brain-computer interface, or BCI.”

But apart from Synchron’s, the only other BCI approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for testing in clinical trials is the Utah array, a tiny device consisting of a series of electrodes that gets implanted in the brain. “

Implantation requires cutting open the scalp and drilling into the skull.”

The real novelty with Synchron’s device, he says, is that surgeons don’t have to cut open your brain….”

“The device, called a Stentrode, has a mesh-like design and is about the length of a AAA battery. “

“It is implanted endovascularly, meaning it’s placed into a blood vessel in the brain…”

“The device’s key ingredient is neural data, which also happens to be a highly sensitive bounty.”

Oxley dreams of a million implants a year…..”

“There seems to be a theme around the possible negative aspects of this technology or where it might go, but the reality is that people need this technology, and they need it now.”

Further reading :

  1. Thomas Oxley (neurologist)
  2. Live forever club
  3. Darpa helps implant $10m in Synchron
  4. A brain implant that turns your thoughts into text
  5. Memory Implant Funded by DARPA
  6. This Device Reads Your Mind Through Your Veins







Cultocracy note :

So , the parasite class want you to suffer whilst they play their maniacal power and domination games .

If I wasn’t too distracted by all of the calamity I might start to think there was some kind of grand scheme unrolling in front of my eyes ?

There appears to be quite a few contradictons in the worlds of the modern controlling syndicates .

Smart cities and IoT ?
Who’s gonna pay the energy bill ?

Green ‘new deals’ ?
Who’s gonna pay for the transition ?

Conflict and war ?
Who’s gonna pay the MIC ?

Deflation and inflation ?
Who’s gonna pay the banking cartel ?

Monopolies and price fixing ?
Who’s gonna pay the extra margin ?

Ramping and shorting ?
Who’s gonna pay the speculators ?

Commodity shortages ?
Who’s gonna pay the globalist corporations ?

Unipolar or multipolar ?
Who’s gonna pay the piper ?

You are , stupid .

That’s if you are still alive that is .

The parasite class still need you alive .

For now at least .


Brain Insulation

Our brains contain a striking amount of ‘brain wires’, which allow electrical signals to send important information from one corner of the brain to another.”

A little bit like metal wires are coated with plastic, brain wires are also wrapped in an insulation material, called ‘myelin’. Myelin is essentially a fatty layer of insulation, wrapped around many of the wires in your brain.”

Myelin is incredibly important. When this insulation layer breaks down, the brain struggles to transmit signals….”

“This is important because it confirms the significance of myelin not just to disease, but also to the everyday functioning of the brain.”

“Our findings showed for the first time that variation in brain wiring insulation between people is associated with significant differences in how brain areas communicate. “

“For example, participants with more myelin in a given “brain wire” connecting two brain regions also tend to have a stronger electrical connection between those two brain regions.”

Further reading :

  1. Overview of Demyelination
  2. Could myelin damage from radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure help explain the functional impairment electrohypersensitivity? A review of the evidence
  3. Delayed-Onset multiphasic demyelinating lesions after high dose radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure: A multiple sclerosis (MS) mimic
  4. Long-term exposure to 835 MHz RF-EMF induces hyperactivity, autophagy and demyelination in the cortical neurons of mice
  5. The cuprizone model for demyelination





Cultocracy too much time on my hands note :


A cursory date range search of the term ‘conspiracy theory’ using Google Scholar * spews out the resulting number of articles for the following years :

2015-2016 : 4,550 results
2016-2017 : 5,250 results
2017-2018 : 5,840 results
2018-2019 : 6,360 results
2019-2020 : 8,410 results
2020-2021 : 11,500 results
2021-2022 : 9,920 results (so far)

My conclusion is that the rise in conspiracy theory related research papers is actually fuelled by the conspirators themselves ….

Quite often using chumps and charlatans….

Who quite often masquerade as greedy , knowledgeable and enlightened conspiracy theory infatuated social scientists .

Or is that a conspiracy theory ?

Whichever way you look at it I am now stimulated to pen my own ‘conspiracy theory’ related scientific paper , which I am sure will attract handsome remuneration from the conspirators .

It is provisionally titled : “Red Pill….Blue Pill….What about a ‘f**k you’ pill ?”

* Any Google search may produce different results for each individual depending on : Location , throttling , social credit score , age , COVID vaccination status , shoe size , hair colour , number of teeth and gender bias .

Conspiracy Theories – Or How People Are More informed

The term historical trauma describes cumulative and collective trauma—in most cases resulting from systematic violence and deprivation—experienced across generations by individuals who share a common group identity.”

Typical examples include war, genocide, ethnic cleansing, colonialism, enslavement, racial segregation, occupation, economic deprivation, cultural devaluation, and dispossession. “

“The experience of historical trauma is associated with feeling oppressed, powerless, victimized, exploited, and deprived of vital resources. “

And becoming suspicious and paranoid.”

“After all, a likely reason why the aggressors succeeded in their malicious intent is that they were able to fool their victims and keep their true intentions concealed for a long time (e.g., using propaganda techniques).”

“How can we help the victim get there and become empowered? Perhaps the journey toward healing needs to begin by validating the experiences of historical trauma—experiences that have caused the victims to feel powerless and their descendants to live in fear of conspirators.”

Cultocracy note :

COVID , conflict in Ukraine , massive energy prices , cost of living increase , pipeline sabotage…..

All concidences .

Not conspiracy theories .

Or is that a conspiracy theory ???

Not really related Hokum…..


Maybe it is related ?????? 🕵️👽👁️⃤ :

  1. Alternate Realities: Conspiracy Theory and the Constitutional and Democratic Order (PDF)
  2. Curious about threats: Morbid curiosity and interest in conspiracy theories
  3. Start Spreading the (fake) News: The Role of Fear and Anger in the Formation and Dissemination of Conspiratorial Beliefs
  4. ‘A chain of deep-laid and premeditated villainy’ – The Roman Catholic Culture of Conspiracy from the Abbé de Barruel to Radical Traditionalism
  5. Of Flying Disks and Secret Societies – Wewelsburg and the “Black Sun” in Esoteric Writings of Conspiracy Theory
  6. We’re All Conspiracy Theorists

My personal favourite 🕵️👽👁️⃤ :

  1. Red pilled mama bears and masculine men : Discursive constructions of gendered identities in a conspiracy theory space


Psychological Inoculation

We developed five short videos that inoculate people against manipulation techniques commonly used in misinformation: emotionally manipulative language, incoherence, false dichotomies, scapegoating, and ad hominem attacks.”

Online misinformation is an important societal problem .”

“For instance, belief in misinformation about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been linked to reduced willingness to get vaccinated….”

“… contrast to debunking, prebunking has gained prominence as a means to preemptively build resilience against anticipated exposure to misinformation….”

Psychological inoculation treatments contain two core components : “

“(i) a forewarning that induces a perceived threat of an impending attack on one’s attitudes….”

“(ii) exposure to a weakened (micro)dose of misinformation that contains a preemptive refutation (or prebunk) of the anticipated misleading arguments or persuasion techniques.”

Nonetheless, our study is not without limitations. “

“First, although our field study found that the videos were effective within a 24-hour window , we were unable to study how long the inoculation effect remains significant….”

“…..both the videos and the study were tailored to U.S. audiences, and our samples consisted of U.S. residents.”

Related :

  1. Google releases details on how it will combat misinformation in advance of midterm elections
  2. Inoculation Science

Cultocracy note :

After watching the ‘Inoculation Science’ videos I can confirm that Google (Cambridge lab) does indeed assume that most US citizens are as thick as short planks .

A spokeswo(man)  for Google did also admit that the now failing ‘fact checking websites’ were in fact the largest perpetrators of bullshit spreadery in the entire world , if not the universe .

Or as one pundit succinctly put it

the manipulators are going to manipulate you into not being manipulated by their manipulation” .




Elon Musk for President

Highest Gas Bill of the Month

Cultocracy note :

Elon Musk has now dropped from the news feed , down to 1,000,6767 articles this month ,  from 6,897,999 articles the previous month .

With that in mind the new section header is titled ‘Highest Gas Bill of the Month’ .

  1. German bakery handed €330,000 bill for gas consumption
  2. Care home owner says ‘horrific’ 1,000 per cent rise in gas bill could force her to close
  3. Housing associations face gas bill increase of more than 700% as energy crisis hits sector
  4. Cork firm’s €44,000 gas bill for one month was ‘no mistake’
  5. Pensioner left living in fear of rising energy prices after £5,000 gas bill
  6. Landlady’s fears as utility bill is £1k a month – and she’s not even switched the gas on yet
  7. Chippy boss left ‘in tears’ as £5,000 gas energy bill closes herbusiness

Not to worry though :

  1. Expert says you can cut £70 from your gas bill with a simple boiler trick

And the award this month goes to….(drum roll)…..

  1. UK farm faces $17 million bill for natural gas as huge rises in energy costs threaten hundreds of thousands of jobs




Synthetic Biology

Cultocracy repeat note :

Change is a generational thing , barely perceptible , it plods along like a tortoise , while the general public race around like hares .

One seemingly coincidental crisis lurches inexorably to another , then another , followed by another .

Previous skeptics are now bolt upright and salivating at the prospect of further disruption inspired windfalls .

New research grants will be thrown around like confetti .

The bigger picture is becoming easier to behold .


If anyone needed proof that the powers pushing the levers behind the mindless moron who sits in the Oval Office are fully on board with the World Economic Forum/United Nations agenda of biomedical tyranny and transhumanism, look no further than the executive order that Joe Biden signed on Monday, September 12.”

Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical-device industries, helps us decipher what’s going on in this executive order.”

Kingston stated in a Twitter post:”

“Let me read between the lines for America. Biden’s Sept. 12, 2022, executive order declares that Americans must surrender all human rights that stand in the way of transhumanism. “

Clinical trial safety standards and informed consent will be eradicated as they stand in the way of universally unleashing gene-editing technologies needed to merge humans with A.I. In order to achieve the societal goals of the New World Order, crimes against humanity are not only legal, but mandatory.”

Cultocracy note :

Let’s be honest here .

Clinical standards and informed consent were trashed decades ago .

I doubt if they ever existed in the first place .


Synthetic Neuromorphic Computing

A central goal of synthetic biology is to create large-scale genetic networks in living cells that implement sophisticated sensing, processing, and actuation.”

“The neuromorphic computing paradigm, which employs design principles and approaches of neuronal systems, has been successfully applied to a wide range of fields, including electronics , optics , software algorithms , and even in vitro DNA computing , leading to the realization of artificial intelligence systems.”

Neuromorphic systems efficiently solve complex tasks such as content addressable memory, pattern classification, object recognition, and optimization through machine learning algorithms.”

The fundamental building block of an ANN is a perceptron , which consists of a linear combination of weighted analog input signals…”

“Another important property of ANNs is the ability to efficiently fine-tune and repurpose their function by changing weights and biases .”

“Therefore, to implement ANNs in living cells, we define a log-based version of a perceptron, termed the perceptgene….”

“Logarithmic operation, which is based on fold-change regulation rather than absolute changes, is suitable for biological information sensing and transduction in both natural and synthetic systems….”

Support for R.W. was provided by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency under contract no. W911NF-21-2-0109.”

Related :

  1. Synthetic biological circuit
  2. Mammalian Synthetic Biology
  3. Breakthrough “genetic circuits” bring us closer to synthetic human cells
  4. Human Brains Will be Uploaded to Machines – Professor Brian Cox

Further related :

  1. Sentient World Simulation: Meet Your DoD Clone (Play in new window)
  2. Sentient world: war games on the grandest scale
  3. Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulations
  4. Sentient Artificial Brain , National Reconnaissance Office
  5. Sentient (intelligence analysis system)
  6. Search term : “sws sentient world simulation”





Further reading :

  1. Quorum sensing
  2. Quorum sensing – or how bacteria talk to each other
  3. Design of gene circuits: lessons from bacteria
  4. Bacteria with synthetic gene circuit self-assemble to build working device with gold nanoparticles
  5. Controlled by a synthetic gene circuit, self-assembling bacteria build working electronic sensors
  6. Genetic circuits to engineer tissues with alternative functions
  7. Gene Circuits Empower Next-Generation Cell and Gene Therapies
  8. Search term : “self controlled gene circuits”






Even more reading :

  1. Building Synthetic Memory
  2. Synthetic biology: applications come of age (PDF)
  3. Synthetic biology devices for in vitro and in vivo diagnostics
  4. Synthetic Gene Circuits Open Doors for Next Generation of ‘Smart Plants’
  5. A Multiplexed, Electrochemical Interface for Gene Circuit-Based Sensors
  6. Winner-takes-all synthetic gene circuit process opens new pathways to disease treatmen
  7. Search term : “synthetic gene circuit”
  8. Search term : “synthetic gene circuit electronic sensor”





Roundup Glyphosate Poison News

As 3 billion pounds of herbicides are sprayed over farmlands every year, it is essential to advance our understanding how pesticides may influence neurological health and physiology of both humans and other animals.”

“To investigate this, we compared how glyphosate and Roundup affect convulsant behavior in C. elegans and found that glyphosate and Roundup increased seizure-like behavior.”

“Notably, these effects were found at concentrations that are 1,000-fold dilutions of previous findings of neurotoxicity, using over 300-fold less herbicide than the lowest concentration recommended for consumer use.”

“Our findings characterize glyphosate’s exacerbation of convulsions and propose the GABA-A receptor as a neurological target for the observed physiological changes. “

“It also highlights glyphosate’s potential to dysregulate inhibitory neurological circuits.”

Related :

  1. Monsanto and Ukraine
  2. Land Grab in Ukraine Is Monsanto’s Backdoor to the EU
  3. European Farmers Turn to GM Feed to Replace Corn From Ukraine




Health & Medical

Cultocracy select and highlight text note :


So what really happened in the Ukraine in 2009 ????

Vaccinated Patients Abnormal Blood ?

Physicians in Italy studied the blood of patients who had been injected with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and found foreign matter long after vaccination, a new study shows.

“Although they could not explain what they observed, they noted in the study that what they saw was so strange that they felt the need to alert the medical community.”

“This foreign material seemed to collect itself into structures, sometimes forming crystals and other times forming long tubes or fibers.”

“The two shapes they noticed in the blood stream were crystal-like chunks and tube-like lengths. “

“While the researchers could not confirm that what they saw was graphene, they pointed out that graphene can aggregate into shapes similar to those the doctors observed.”

Further reading :

  1. Jan Smith , ‘Morgellons’ , Chromosome 1 q42 – It’s a Knockout
  2. Environmental Atmospheric Filaments , Chemtrails , Chemwebs
  3. All that glitters is not Gold – Quantum Nanocrystals



Cultocracy Shakespeare paraphrase note :

methinksthou doth protest too much

Reputation Damage Limitation from Lancet

Key findings….

There are two leading hypotheses: that the virus emerged as a zoonotic spillover from wildlife or a farm animal, possibly through a wet market, in a location that is still undetermined…..

“……or that the virus emerged from a research-related incident…..”

“Such a pathway could have involved a researcher becoming infected in the field or in the laboratory with a natural virus, or becoming infected in the laboratory with a genetically manipulated virus.”

“Advances in biotechnology in the past two decades have made it possible to create new and highly dangerous pathogens through genetic manipulation….”

Cultocracy joke note :

What’s the difference between conspiracy theory and fact ?

About 12 months or so according to the Lancet ……

Possibly related (although only if you are a ridiculous anti-western Wuhanist with a broken clock)  :

  1. After mysterious shutdown, Fort Detrick still shrouded in secrecy
  2. CDC shuts down military virus lab after failed safety inspection
  3. US urged to explain truth behind EVALI, closure of Fort Detrick biolab
  4. CDC Inspection Findings Reveal More about Fort Detrick Research Suspension
  5. Coronavirus Outbreak May Have Started as Early as September, Scientists Say
  6. Online petition for Fort Detrick probe draws 20m signatures; China urges US to open UNC lab, disclose military games patients


Filthy Flies

The next time a fly lands on your food, you might want to consider throwing that bite away. A new review suggests the muck that flies regurgitate could very well be infected with a pathogen.”

House flies contain an organ at the start of their gut known as a crop, which stores food before digestion. This organ also makes a great place for microbes and parasites to hide.”

“When a fly lands on your food, there’s a good chance the insect will vomit up some of the contents of their crop and some digestive enzymes. Without teeth, this is how the fly breaks down its meal so it can be sucked up via its straw-like mouth.”

As well as spewing enzymes, it’s possible the fly can also retch viruses and bacteria from its crop, which were previously picked up from other food sources, like wounds, saliva, mucus, or poop.”

Further reading :

  1. What Do Flies Do For The Environment?
  2. What Are Flies Good For?




$cientific $cammer of the Month

The Sniff Test

A trio of researchers, two from Southern Medical University, in China, and the third from Technische Universität Dresden in Germany, has found a connection between people who place high importance on olfaction and body odor sniffing and a strong sexual desire.”

“The researchers found that those students who reported giving high value to olfaction or who actively sniffed other people also reported having a stronger sexual desire…..”

“The researchers also found that women tended to place more emphasis on smell than men, and as expected reported lower levels of sexual desire in general.”

“The researchers suggest their work confirms that their initial suspicions were correct—people who place a high value on what others smell like, and who go around actively sniffing them (most generally those of the opposite gender), tend to have higher sexual desire. “

Related :

  1. Politician caught sniffing knickers in video council meeting claims it’s a ‘joke’
  2. Australian politician admits sniffing woman’s chair
    These politicians really DO stink! ‘Sexist and vulgar’ Greek MPs caught on camera SNIFFING female minister’s coat

Not related (Google Inoculation TM) :

  1. Sniffy Joe, America’s Disgrace and ‘Groper In Chief’
  2. Smell my Thongs

Further enlightenment from the Archives of Sexual Behavior :

  1. Extragenital Chancre in Men Who Have Sex with Men: Six Cases from China
  2. Pedophile, Child Lover, or Minor-Attracted Person? Attitudes Toward Labels Among People Who are Sexually Attracted to Children
  3. Sex, Sexuality, and Intimate Relationships Among Afghan Women and Men of Refugee Background Living in Melbourne, Australia: Experiences, Opportunities, and Transcultural Tensions
  4. Exploring the Ownership of Child-Like Sex Dolls
  5. What Does Heterosexuality Mean? Same-Sex Attraction, Behaviors, and Discomfort Among Self-identified Heterosexual Young Adults from Spain
  6. Implicit and Explicit Gender-Related Cognition, Gender Dysphoria, Autistic-Like Traits, and Mentalizing: Differences Between Autistic and Non-Autistic Cisgender and Transgender Adults

My personal favourite (not tonight I’ve got a headache) :

  1. Sexual Desire in Women: Paradoxical and Nonlinear Associations with Anxiety and Depressed Mood

Nanotechnology News archives 2022 :

  1. Nanotechnology News – July August 2022
  2. Nanotechnology News – June 2022
  3. Nanotechnology News – April May 2022
  4. Nanotechnology News – February March 2022
  5. Nanotechnology News – January 2022
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1 Response to Nanotechnology News – September 2022

  1. Tolita says:

    RE “Vaccinated Patients Abnormal Blood?”

    Yes, certainly. Did you see the film “Died Suddenly”? It presents empirical proof of that — see

    Now, let’s THINK now, shall we? ….

    What do these presented facts, in conjunction with tons of similar evidence, mean really? What does it squarely point to? What is the TRUE FINAL implication of all that, which is not mentioned here (or elsewhere typically)?

    ACTIVE resistance against the criminal establishments around the world will greatly increase the sooner someone TRULY understands that the ruling cabal and their minions (in governments, big corporations, etc), anywhere around the globe, are PSYCHOPATHS — the evidence is OVERWHELMING and TOTALLY IRREFUTABLE — see “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” …

    But global rulership by psychopaths is only ONE part of the equation that makes up the destructive human condition as the article explains because there are TWO pink elephants in the room… and they’re MARRIED (see cited source above).

    “… normal and healthy discontent .. is being termed extremist.” — Martin Luther King, Jr, 1929-1968, Civil Rights Activist

    If you’re in the US and your employer mandates the highly toxic COVID jabs, register to get a free “Medical Exemption Certificate” at


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