Traumatic Brain Injury – Havana Syndrome

Cultocracy note :

An update to the not so mysterious H.A.V.A.N.A Syndrome , also known as ‘why release this now?’ .







According to a cosy club of intel agencies it was all in the victim’s heads after all .

Closing ranks and all that .

It does makes you wonder if they have something to hide ?

Intel Community Clears Intel Community

“The intelligence community has determined that unexplained health incidents referred to as “Havana Syndrome” that have afflicted hundreds of government officials in recent years were not caused by a foreign adversary, knocking down a main theory among victims and experts.”

“The assessment also found that no foreign adversary has a weapon or collection device that is causing the incidents. Two agencies said they had high confidence in that determination, three had moderate confidence, and two had low confidence because they believe radio-frequency energy is a “plausible cause.”

“Since 2016, there’s been a swathe of U.S. diplomats and intelligence agents reportedly being hit with damaging injuries after describing piercing sounds or intense pressure in their head.”

“Others have described symptoms of dizziness and fatigue. Hundreds of U.S. officials working overseas have described these issues from multiple different countries, which has led to rampant speculation Havana syndrome is caused by a foreign attack or newfangled surveillance apparatus.”

The intelligence assessment briefed to reporters Wednesday contradicts previous findings from various government groups.”

“When the reports initially emerged, intelligence officials said medical studies suggested that the incidents represented a new medical syndrome that looked similar to a traumatic brain injury.”

Cultocracy boiling frog note :

I wonder which two alphabet agencies expressed ‘low confidence’ in the findings ?

What about the three which expressed ‘moderate confidence’ ?

As for the two which expressed high confidence……Well , those two have probably gained the most and also have the most to lose .

I personally have high confidence that cracks are starting to appear within the various factions . Or maybe many ‘official personnel’ have simply formed a group which is too large to dismiss , leverage works both ways it appears .

This is a global issue , it is not restricted to ‘US diplomats’ and their cohorts , widespread atrocities are committed on unsuspecting individuals on a daily basis . Although unlike ‘official personnel’ they are treated with contempt and disdain , unable to seek help , medical or otherwise .

I also personally think that the financial cost of the parallel cover-up operation is now greater than the actual experimental clandestine operations themselves , not to mention the immeasurable cost to society regarding the adverse health effects .

Effects which can always be blamed on something else entirely .

Instead of creating an omnipotent machine , capable of socially engineering an entire society based on probabilities and prediction , the developers have created a $trillion dollar lying machine .

What else should we expect ?

Oh well……There is always the multi-$trillions raked in for the stakeholders and their agency mercenaries .

Not a bad result after all .

Pentagon Still Probing

The Defense Department is continuing to conduct its own research into what the government calls “anomalous health incidents,” including what may have caused them and whether a weapon is responsible, according to five people familiar with the effort.”

“But the Pentagon is working on developing “defenses” against the syndrome and is investigating to see if it is possible that a weapon could be responsible…..”

“An email from a Pentagon official sent out after the Office of the Director of National Intelligence-led report released on Wednesday reassured victims that the DoD team is “keeping the course.” The official urged victims to continue to “report any incidents you may have experienced and encourage those around you to do the same.” “

DoD treats government employees who have suffered brain injuries, including some related to the Havana Syndrome incidents, at Walter Reed National Medical Center.”

“Several lawmakers have expressed frustration in recent days over the official findings from the intelligence community.”

“A wide body of research indicates a device that harnesses energy could be responsible for the Havana Syndrome incidents.”

“While initial studies concluded the incidents represented a consistent pattern of injuries similar to traumatic brain injury, more recent studies have not shown a consistent set of symptoms.”

“But a high-power, rapidly pulsed source could have a detrimental effect on the victim’s brain while imparting much less energy…..”

“Intelligence officials said they’d welcome additional research on this topic.”

Related :





  1. The ‘Havana Syndrome’ Mystery and Diagnosing Traumatic Brain Injury
  2. Traumatic brain injury
  3. Bursting the Bubble on Traumatic Brain Injury
  4. White Matter Abnormalities in Veterans With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
  5. Uncovering temporospatial sensitive TBI targeting strategies via in vivo phage display
  6. Widespread White Matter Alterations in Patients With Visual Snow Syndrome
  7. Visual snow syndrome: evolving neuro-optometric considerations in concussion/mild traumatic brain injury
  8. Case Report: Visual Snow Syndrome after Repetitive Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
  9. Opinion/Editorial: Relationship between Visual Snow Syndrome and Persistent Post-Concussion Syndrome
  10. Visual Snow Syndrome and Its Relationship to Tinnitus
  11. Why Do Lights Buzz? This Is What You Need to Know
  12. Simultaneous 18F-FDG PET/MR metabolic and structural changes in visual snow syndrome and diagnostic use
  13. Traumatic brain injury impairs hormone production, disrupting sleep, cognition, and memory
  14. Structural and functional footprint of visual snow syndrome
  15. White Matter Changes in Tinnitus: Is It All Age and Hearing Loss?
  16. White Matter Disease
  17. White Matter Abnormalities in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study
  18. The Effects of Tinnitus on Your Brain
  19. Reorganization of Brain White Matter in Persistent Idiopathic Tinnitus Patients Without Hearing Loss: Evidence From Baseline Data
  20. Properties of REM sleep alterations with epilepsy
  21. Association between insomnia and the incidence of myocardial infarction: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  22. Temperature Changes in Brain Affect Neuronal Activity
  23. White matter lesions explained by a neurologist
  24. Call For Traumatic Brain Injury To Be Reclassified As Chronic Disease
  25. ‘Resetting’ the injured brain offers clues for concussion treatment
  26. Damage to white matter is linked to worse cognitive outcomes after brain injury
  27. Study suggests role of sleep in healing traumatic brain injuries
  28. Sleep Quality Disturbances Are Associated with White Matter Alterations in Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
  29. Head injury 25 years later: Study finds increased risk of dementia
  30. Damage to brain cells reverberates to ‘bystander’ cells
  31. Brain circuitry underlying dissociative experiences
  32. Neuroscience News – “traumatic brain injury”
  33. Science Alert – “traumatic brain injury”
  34. Medical Express – “traumatic brain injury”
  35. – “traumatic brain injury”
  36. etc…etc…etc…
  37. Search term : “brain white matter disease”

Further reading :

  1. The effects of direct brain stimulation in humans depend on frequency, amplitude, and white-matter proximity
  2. Changes in white matter in mice resulting from low-frequency brain stimulation
  3. Report: ‘Radio-Frequency Energy’ Caused Brain Damage to U.S. Diplomats in Cuba
  4. Could certain frequencies of electromagnetic waves or radiation interfere with brain function?
  5. The Mystery of the Immaculate Concussion
  6. The Microwave Weapons That Could Explain Why ‘Havana Syndrome’ Report Is Not Being Released (UPDATED)
  7. Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation on Neurotransmitters in the Brain
  8. Search term : “concussion brain white matter”
  9. Search term : “electromagnetic wave effect human brain”
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