Hen Harriers & Land Owners

A recent study has confirmed what is already common knowledge . Endangered birds are being killed to protect grouse shooting on land in England .

The statistics are shocking ; “72 per cent of tagged harriers were either confirmed or considered very likely to have been illegally killed.

Quite a high percentage , to say the least .

Cultocracy note :

A few years ago I went for an innocent walk on the Abbeystead Estate in the Forest of Bowland , Lancashire , England .

Ended up surrounded by a mob of heavies in camo gear , photographed and escorted off the premises .

A very spooky place .

Maybe they have something to hide ?

Probably lucky I didn’t end up like the hen harriers .

A website – whoownsengland.org – has researched land ownership of the grouse moors , suffice to say most are in private hands , many are owned by offshore companies (the Crown to you and me) .

The story regarding hen harriers underlies a wider issue involving private land ownership in the UK and the increasing sell off of public land and assets .

The paradox is that local council taxes are continually rising at the same time as services are cut and public assets sold off .

Does the decentralization of local funding also mean that the people of a specific area can also decentralize from central government and live their lives as they please ?

A little like the US where separate states can make their own laws .

I personally pledged to devolve myself from all government interference a long time ago , although this path is seen as dangerous to the powers that be and has numerous pitfalls .

I think there are a few in the UK , or at least England , that would wish a return to the old feudal system .

Or does increasing private land ownership represent the creation of buffers and the shoring up of defences ?

Who owns England ?

Certainly not the people , that’s for sure .

Related :


  1. The Great British Sell Off (PDF)
  2. The collapse in public ownership of land
  3. The great sale of public land – a fire sale for our times
  4. If this public land sell-off continues, there could be none left by 2050
  5. The councils selling land worth millions to offshore companies
  6. The Mass Sell-Off Of Public Land Is Driving The Housing Crisis
  7. FOI request reveals scale of council sell off
  8. Austerity-hit councils selling off parks and public buildings at a rate of more than 4,000 a year, research finds
  9. More local authorities set to sell government assets
  10. Revealed: The thousands of public spaces lost to the council funding crisis
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