Music Reconstructed From Human Auditory Cortex

Cultocracy note :

Apologies for the dearth of articles recently , I have been busy attempting to alleviate the wealth transf progr……I mean….’cost of living crisis’ , i.e. earning some cash .

The article below piqued my interest .

As I am sure it will many of you out there .

See you on the dark side of the moon…..

Neuroscientists Re-create Pink Floyd Song from Listeners’ Brain Activity

“Although the findings focused on music, the researchers expect their results to be most useful for translating brain waves into human speech.”

“Bellier says. He hopes the model will improve brain-computer interfaces, assistive devices that record speech-associated brain waves and use algorithms to reconstruct intended messages.”

“This technology, still in its infancy…..”

Cultocracy quote note :

Quote : “still in its infancy

Always remember deep state research is decades ahead of published research , as I am sure millions are aware of .

Not forgetting the multi-millions that are not aware .

Related :

  1. ‘Raw’ data show AI signals mirror how the brain listens and learns
  2. AI Can Re-create What You See from a Brain Scan
  3. A Brain Scanner Combined with an AI Language Model Can Provide a Glimpse into Your Thoughts
  4. Vocoder
  5. Multi-Band Excitation
  6. Superior temporal gyrus
  7. The Encoding of Speech Sounds in the Superior Temporal Gyrus

Not related (I think) :

  1. Opération lune
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