Mind Controlled VR Games

Cultocracy note :

Mind controlled VR games ?

The ‘metaverse’ takes a forward step towards public recognition and acceptance .

The commercialization of deep state research continues apace .

All in the name of ‘rehabilitation’ , as always .

Perhaps the correct word should be ‘assimilation’ or maybe even ‘dehumanization‘ .

Volunteers need not apply .

Although in the case below the volunteers actually did apply .

Cogito ergo sum .

Mind-controlled VR games could aid stroke rehabilitation

“Cogitat, a startup founded last year to commercialise Imperial research, is exploring medical and gaming applications of its core technology, a brain-computer interface that allows users to move in virtual reality (VR) environments by mentally willing themselves to move rather than physically moving. “

“Cogitat and VR production studio Unit 9 with support from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) are exploring the potential for VR physiotherapy games powered by a brain-computer interface….”

“The Cogitat team say they are set apart by their prize-winning core technology, created using machine learning, that decodes a user’s motor intentions from brain wave data….”

“The technology could also help power the metaverse, a mooted future version of the internet….”

Further reading :

  1. Imperial startup wins global competition for its brain-computer interface tech
  2. Seamlessly merging mind and machine
  3. Controlling Machines With Your Mind
  4. UK Research and Innovation
  5. Advanced Research and Invention Agency
  6. Plan to create UK version of DARPA lacks detail, say researchers
  7. Will ARIA bite the dust? Dominic Cummings’ ‘UK DARPA’ faces uncertain future

 More reading :

  1. Imperial College London
  2. MIT expands partnership with Imperial College London
  3. MIT News
  4. Cogito – Emotion & Conversation AI Combined
  5. Overview of the DARPA Augmented Cognition Technical Integration Experiment



“TI” :

  1. Electric fields tease buried brain cells into action
  2. Noninvasive Deep Brain Stimulation via Temporally Interfering Electric Fields
  3. Search term : “Interfering Electric Fields Brain”
  4. Neuroplasticity after Traumatic Brain Injury
  5. Acoustic neuroma
  6. Possible Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure on Central Nerve System
  7. Effects on the nervous system by exposure to electromagnetic fields: experimental and clinical studies
  8. Magnetic fields for modulating the nervous system
  9. Search term : “electromagnetic field neuron ion channel”
  10. Search term : “Traumatic Brain Injury”
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