The Military Industrial Complex – A Big Lie

A Big Lie

In case you hadn’t noticed , the collective West is controlled by a very small minority of crazed , financially inspired degenerates , intent on projecting their own collective insanity onto the rest of the world .

There are a variety of belief systems on which the agency acolytes rationalise their behavior , the end always justifies the means , most are simply useful idiots , many are young and naive , the rest are broken beyond repair .

One global fiasco follows another , the entirely coincidental common denominator is that the militarized corporate conglomerates and their stake holders always become very wealthy , whilst the general collective get poorer , or wind up dead .

Grandiose and elite schema simply belie the basest of human instincts which are a combined lust for monetary wealth and power .

An impotent and corrupted political class , an insanely twisted and corrupted ruling class , leads to an ignorant general public class . Or so they would like to think . Many can see the truth , others are simply unaware , most are too engrossed in their own sometimes problematic lives to care less .

In regard to ‘defence’ , I think people should ask who exactly , or what exactly , the defence industry is actually defending .

It is certainly not the taxpaying public . Maybe freedom and democracy ? That was obviously a joke . No , the collective MIC is now in a position where they are defending their own corrupt practices , as well as those globalist inspired stakeholders who have dragged them into the mire . I suppose you could argue that is has never been any different .

Former acting US Secretary of Defense Chris Miller is one of many who realizes that the emperor has no clothes , he should know what he is talking about .

Once you have been chewed up and then spat out of the filthy arsehole of empire , things become much clearer .

In the UK , land of the not so free , the original of the above link has been banished from the public psyche , a sign of the now desperate delusion which pervades the upper echelons of British society .

All public persona are completely controlled and compromised , this is simply the mode of governance which has been imposed on societies now spanning the world .

The only question is , where and when will it end ? If ever ?

As things stand , the public are commanded to tolerate a constant and ever more sickly stream of gutless perverts , debauched deviants and wavering weaklings .

Oh well , it could be worse…….

I think……….

Related :

  1. The Big Lie: A ‘Military-Industrial’ Complex


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